Jesus Calms the Sea Mark 4:37-41 Scripture Pack
“Simply trusting every day,
Trusting through a stormy way;
Even when my faith is small
Trusting Jesus, that is all.”
A year or so ago, I was reading the account of the storm on the sea found in Mark Chapter 4 and was specifically impressed with four thoughts as I read:
- The disciples got into the boat trusting that the calmness of the sea is what would get them to their destination instead of trusting the One who had planned the journey
- Their safe passage was never dependent on the presence of the storm; it was GUARANTEED because of the One who slept through it.
- The disciples could have slept, too
- Fear makes you ask foolish questions
These lessons (when remembered) have been a blessing in my life and walk with God, and in this pack, I hope to expand on those lessons in a way that is meaningful for even the youngest disciples. I hope that this pack is a blessing to you and your children as you seek to walk with Jesus through the storms of this life.
Here’s what is included in this pack:
* Trusting Jesus Hymn Lyrics
* Mark 4:37-41 Poster & Flashcards
* Daily readings and activities for each verse that cover the following:
~ Day 1: Topic Mark 4:37 - When Trials Come
Activities: Scripture & Emotion Puzzles, Journal Entry
~ Day 2: Topic Mark 4:38 - The Most Foolish Question in the Bible
Activities: Questions in the Bible Trivia, Journal Entry
~ Day 3: Topic Mark 4:39 - Peace. Be Still.
Activities: Fears & their Cures Scripture Posters & Boat Craft, Journal Entry
~ Day 4: Topic Mark 4:40 - A Question for Us All
Activities: Timeline of Providence, Journal Entry
~ Day 5: Topic Mark 4:41 - Even the Wind and the Sea Obey Him Activities: Paperboat Craft, Journal Entry, Copywork
* This is a digital product. No physical item will be sent