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Desert Biome Nature Study
  • Desert Biome Nature Study

    Join us as the Nature Study Club embarks on an exciting journey to explore the Desert Biome! This colorful and captivating study goes far beyond cacti and examines the animal and plant life of the desert! Explore the unique landscapes, plants, and animals that thrive in the world’s deserts as you travel the globe exploring desert life!


    Daily Topics:


    🌵 Day 1: What is the Desert? Introduction to Desert Biome

    🌵 Day 2: Desert Substrates and What Lies Beneath

    🌵 Day 3: Desert Climate and Ecosystem

    🌵 Day 4: Desert Fossils

    🌵 Day 5: Group STEM

    🌵 Day 6: Desert Bloom

    🌵 Day 7: Desert Succulents and Cacti

    🌵 Day 8: Desert Adaptations

    🌵 Day 9: Desert Reptiles

    🌵 Day 10: Group ART

    🌵 Day 11: Desert Invertebrates

    🌵 Day 12: Desert Mammals

    🌵 Day 13: Desert Birds


    🌵🌞 Dive into the desert and its unique features this month! Explore its substrates and climate, and know your explorers are in for an exciting adventure. We’ll dig up desert fossils and get hands-on with a fun STEM project and a custom watercolor art tutorial. 


    Don't miss out on this opportunity to enrich your homeschooling journey with our affordable and enriching Nature Study Club! 
    Click HERE


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