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Behold the Lamb John 1:29 Scripture Pack

"The next day, John saw Jesus coming toward Him and said,


“Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"

- John 1:29


Just as John beheld the Lamb of God over 2000 years ago, we, too, have the opportunity and immense privilege to behold Jesus. From the apparent defeat of the cross to the victorious resurrection morning, as we behold each scene, we get another view of the spotless lamb of God. and His infinite love for each of us!



What's Included:


John 1:29 Poster, copy work sheets, and word cards to help with scripture memorization. Word cards are to be cut out individually and then have your child put them in correct order


Behold Reflection Journal - simply read John 1:29 or any other scripture from the life of Christ and then fill in a journal page. Can be used daily during bible time as well.


BONUS Sheep Life Cycle Poster, 3 part cards & Activities from our not yet released Sheep life cycle study!



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