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10 Tips for Raising Nature Loving Kids

Writer: SamanthaSamantha

Updated: 41 minutes ago

Raising nature loving kids is easier than you think! Here are 10 tips (and four freebies!!) to help you raise kids who know more about plants and birds than celebrities and pop culture :)

Gorgeous Art by Robin Elise Draws. Used with permission
Gorgeous Art by Robin Elise Draws. Used with permission

1. Spend Time Outdoors

Make outdoor activities like hiking, biking, or nature walks a regular part of your family routine. This allows your children to observe plants, trees, and birds up close, helping them build a connection to nature. Creating a weekly routine of outdoor activities that your children would enjoy is helpful to ensure you get outside! Whether it’s hiking in the mountains, visiting a local park, or simply playing in your backyard, consistent exposure to nature helps kids develop an appreciation for the outdoors. Encourage activities like picnics, stargazing, or playing sports outside to make outdoor time feel fun and engaging. (CLICK HERE FOR FREE NATURE SCAVENGER HUNTS)

Nature Scavenger Hunts Freebie
Nature Scavenger Hunts Freebie

2. Teach Through Nature-Based Play

Nature Play is a natural way to incorporate nature-based learning in your home. Building forts out of sticks, creating nature crafts from leaves and rocks, or playing in mud. These unstructured outdoor activities allow children to explore their environment and develop an emotional connection to the natural world.

3. Use Field Guides

Get some field guides for your area from your local library and then spend time with your children exploring the books, identifying species, and learning together. This is a fun and interactive way to learn about the nature local to your area. Be sure to take the books with you on your next hike so that you can identify the species you come across.

4. Create a Nature Journal

Encourage your kids to keep a nature journal as an ongoing project, where they can document their outdoor experiences, observations, and discoveries. This can be an excellent way to enhance their connection to nature and nurture their creativity, and also helps them develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world. (Click HERE to join Bonnie Hunts Watercolor & Nature Journaling Course for just $10)

Nature Based Field Trip Guide
Nature Based Field Trip Guide

5. Take Nature-Based Field Trips

Plan regular field trips to nature reserves, local farms, national parks, conservatories or wildlife sanctuaries to explore different ecosystems. These excursions can be full of opportunities for learning about native plants, animals, and conservation efforts. Many locations offer educational programs or guided tours that can deepen your child’s understanding of nature. Field trips provide real-life experiences that will deepen their knowledge of the natural world. We have compiled 90 great nature-based field trip ideas & a field trip planner that you can DOWNLOAD for FREE HERE!

6. Nature Games That Help Raise Nature-Loving Kids

Make learning about plants and birds fun by turning it into a scavenger hunt or quiz game. Turning nature-based learning into fun, interactive games is a great way to make education feel like an exciting adventure for kids. When you incorporate play into outdoor learning, children are more likely to be engaged, curious, and excited to explore the world around them. Some simple games to play are nature scavenger hunts, nature obstacle course, create nature art, and more. (CLICK HERE to get our FREE Nature Scavenger Hunts) - Looking for more nature games: Each of our nature studies includes an original game for the whole family to enjoy - Learn More Here)

7. Reduce Screen Time

Reducing exposure to TV shows and social media will encourage your kids to focus on other sources of information, such as books, nature documentaries, and outdoor exploration. Challenge your kids to unplug from regular media and explore the outdoors with creative activities like scavenger hunts, building outdoor art, or simply observing the wildlife in your area. The more time spent outside, the more likely they will develop an ongoing interest in the environment. Finding nature-based screen time options is also a great way to incorporate a love for and knowledge of the natural world. Nature documentaries provide a captivating way to learn about wildlife, ecosystems, and environmental issues, offering children a window into the natural world that might otherwise be inaccessible. They spark curiosity, inspire a sense of wonder, and promote a deeper understanding of the planet’s biodiversity and the importance of conservation.

Free Bird Sighting Tracker
Free Bird Sighting Tracker

8. Introduce Nature-Themed Activities

Engage your kids in activities such as gardening, bird watching, or planting trees. These hands-on activities teach kids the names and characteristics of plants and birds while fostering a love for the environment. (CLICK HERE FOR A FREE BIRD SIGHTING TRACKER)

9. Read Books About Nature

Fill your home with books about the natural world. Choose books that focus on the wonders of nature, from detailed guides on birds and plants to stories set in the outdoors. Nature books are an excellent way to deepen your child's understanding of the natural world while fostering a love for reading. By incorporating nature-themed books into your routine, you can spark curiosity, introduce new concepts, and help children connect with the environment. (CLICK Here for our Free Spring Book List)

10. Join our Nature Study Club!

Our Nature Study Club was created to foster a love of nature in children of all ages! The Nature Study Club is open worldwide and allows members to download our in-depth nature studies for 50% off! Each study includes a 20-day teacher's manual, student workbooks for four age groups (Little Explorer 3-5, Junior Explorer 6-8, Senior Explorer 9-11 & Expert Explorer 12-15+). Each study also includes games, a watercolor tutorial and delicious recipes! Click here to learn more and use the code 12NSC to get your membership for just $12/mth (Reg $15/mth)

Implementing these tips can foster a lifetime love and appreciation for the natural world in your children. Do you have any other suggestions for raising nature-loving kids? Let us know in the comments below!

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