Providing free & affordable homeschool resources and encouragement to homeschool families around the world!
Featured Freebie!
Thanks for stopping by! Each week we provide exclusive FREEBIES from our shop and various small shops in the homeschool community! These freebies are only available for one week and will then be sold at regular price so be sure to download this week's freebie while you can!
Valentine Tea Party Pack
Reg $3 NOW FREE 1 WEEK ONLY! Host your own Valentine's Tea Party with this printable playset!
Includes -
Printable Tea Party Set
Valentine's Party Invitations
Valentine's Garland
February is full of many fun holidays! Use the code FEBFUN to get 50% off the units below!
Our Zoology Club is our newest monthly subscription program where you get a brand new animal study for just $7/mth! (You can also purchase the monthly units without a subscription for $12 in our shop!)
Each of our zoology units includes a comprehensive study on the animal of the month for ages 3 - 13 and includes the following:
Range & Mapping
Life Cycle
Habitat & Conservation
Taxonomy & Classification
Monthly Sighting Log
STEM Activities
Play Activities
Coloring pages
Nature Journal
Book List
We love being able to offer FREE weekly resources in order to help make homeschooling more affordable for families all around the world!
If you appreciate these freebies, you can help us be able to continue to provide them by
1. Sharing our website with others!
2. Be sure to check out our shop where we have over 500 affordably priced resources! It's because of your ongoing support that we are able to offer these weekly freebies, and we very much appreciate each share, download, and purchase!
We hope that you enjoy this special free offer!
If you are looking for more affordable homeschool resources or to learn more about our membership programs below!
By placing an order through an affiliate link, you agree to share your email with the affiliate for promotional purposes. If you prefer not to share your email, please contact us at
Here at For the Love of Homeschooling, we believe that homeschooling is for everyone, and each week we provide new, free resources that we hope will be a valued aid on your home learning journey!
If you are looking for more great deals and affordable homeschool resources, be sure to check out our various membership programs, which are the very best way to get our resources at a highly discounted rate!
From our monthly subscription clubs listed below to our Full Site Membership program, where you can get ALL of our over 250 resources PLUS all of the subscriptions below for 1 low price!
Nature Study Club
Our Nature Study Club is an in-depth, full-family curriculum that aims to take you and your children of all ages deeper into the world of nature than you've been before for just $15/mth!
Here are the monthly benefits that Club Members receive:
A Brand New Printable Nature Study with in-depth daily plans, a teacher's manual, and student workbooks for 4 age levels (Little Explorer 3-5, Junior Explorer 6-8, Senior Explorer 9-11 & Expert Explorer 12 & up) delivered to your inbox ($28 value)
Original games, crafts, recipes, art projects PLUS a custom watercolor tutorial on the nature study topic of the month.
Weekly nature freebies and discounts that won't be available anywhere else!(Min $10/mth)​​
World Explorer's Club
Our World Explorer's Club
is an in-depth, all-ages curriculum that can be enjoyed worldwide and aims to help you and your children explore the fascinating countries and cultures around the world!
Each month club members will receive:​
A Brand New Printable Country Study with in-depth daily plans, a teacher's manual, and daily activities for all ages ($22 value)​
Original games, crafts, recipes, art projects, and a step by step, how-to-draw tutorial
Special freebies and discounts that won't be available anywhere else! ​
Join Now for the Introductory price of $12/month for the whole family!
Bird of the Month Club
Our Bird of the Month Club is a fun and educational way to learn about different bird species from all around the world.
Each month Club Members receive a brand new in-depth unit study on the Bird of the Month!
Each unit includes over 100 pages of posters, activities, and learning opportunities for children of all ages and can be completed in a family-style setting.
These studies can be purchased on their own in our shop for $12 OR get them for just $7/mth by joining our Bird of the Month Club!
Click below to see what birds we will be learning about this year!
Insect of the month Club
Our Insect of the month Club
is an in-depth, all-ages curriculum that can be enjoyed worldwide and aims to help you and your children explore the exciting world of these incredible creatures!
Each month, you will receive a beautiful, in-depth unit study on a new insect! (Download our FREE Insect of the Month calendar to see what Insects we will be learning about in 2024
Zoology Club
Our Insect of the month Club
is an in-depth, all-ages curriculum that can be enjoyed worldwide and aims to help you and your children explore the exciting world of these incredible creatures!
Each month, you will receive a beautiful, in-depth unit study on a new animal! (Download our FREE Zoology calendar to see what Insects we will be learning about in 2024